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Diaper Pin Baby Shower Invitations
Print the invitation wording. Start by getting the invitation wording down on paper. For this invitation we will only be printing onto the inside.
If you want to type out all of your wording to appear on the inside of the card, you will need to set up a page to print 2 per page, with a good 1-1.5" margin to the right side of the paper which you will use as a flap to fold over to the front.
I have also included a printable template to use, although if you choose to use my template you will need to fill in the information by hand. There are 2 templates available. The first is for printing onto a full 8 1/2" by 11" sheet. The invitations appear two to a page. The second template is for printing onto pre-cut 8.5" by 5.5" paper.
Create your own cards from scratch. Print the wording onto some plain white or pastel cardstock. Cut the paper in half horizontally across the middle.
After cutting the cardstock in half you will be left with two separate pieces of paper with your invitation wording printed onto it. We'll use these to create the base of the card.
Start by measuring in 1/2" from the right edge of the paper. Lay a ruler across the paper and use a bone folder or scoring mat to score the paper. Make another scoring mark measuring in at 4". Make sure to move the ruler over about 1/16 - 1/8" to leave room for the paper to fold together, so it all "fits". Fold the paper at the score marks to create a folded card with a flap that overlaps the front.
Add some decorative paper. Cut your two chosen coordinating decorative papers into rectangles measuring 4" by 2.75". Apply some adhesive to the back of the paper pieces using a glue runner. Mount the decorative paper to the front of the card opposite of the flap. Leave the flap side blank.
Add some ribbon. Attach some ribbon onto the front to cover the seam where both papers meet. You can also attach a bow or flower along this ribbon. I find the best ways to attach ribbon in this manner is to either apply glue to the back with a runner (make sure and do it over some scrap paper!), or to use Scotch brand quick dry adhesive with the precision tip, Apply it directly from the nozzle and smooth it out while you are attaching the ribbon. Let the edges of the ribbon overhang off of the card. Snip the extra edges off with some scissors or a craft knife.
Make it a diaper pin baby shower invitation! Hold one of your diaper pins over the flap of the card and use an erasable pen or pencil to mark where the holes should be punched to weave the pin through the card. Use a small circular paper punch (1/8" is good) to punch the holes where you marked. Hold the fold shut and mark two more holes onto the inner flap by marking through the holes you just punched. Open the flap and then punch the holes as marked.
Using a craft painting brush, paint on some glue on the head of the diaper pin. holding the pin over a paper plate, sprinkle on some colored glitter. Shake off the excess and let it dry.
After everything is dried you can lace the diaper pins through the punched holes, holding the diaper pin baby shower invitations shut.
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By Chris Fleckenstein, Copyright © 2006-2013 Do-it-yourself-invitations.com